
Chapter 528: Exam

They needed to succeed on this exam or else they couldn\'t enjoy their summer life during the vacation since they needed to join a torture session known as Summer Class. They didn\'t want to join it and they didn\'t want to fail in this exam. They were in their youth and they didn\'t want to waste it on the Summer Class.

They wanted to enjoy summer, going to the festival, new encounter, beach, fireworks, and lastly, the most important thing for them, that was they didn\'t want to miss a chance to fall in love with someone.

Though our protagonist didn\'t care about such a thing, he still wanted to see his girlfriends in their swimsuit wear while he was going on vacation.

Hiratsuka looked at everyone with her eagle eyes and would make anyone shudder when they met their eyes on her. She was similar to a predator that was waiting to eat her prey. She wouldn\'t let anyone cheat when she was standing in this class right now.

Some students who had prepared for their preparation couldn\'t help but despair when they saw her. Some students who have a weak heart can\'t handle the pressure and sweating profusely right now.

Ranko, who had enjoyed a night together with him, was more relaxed. She also remembered the thing that he had said before the exam started. She thought that she should give him a reward tonight.

Mayuki and Chiaki also worked very hard on their exams and they had studied before. Both of them also couldn\'t fail this exam since they wanted to enjoy buying a swimsuit together with him later.

Suddenly a student who was desperate wanted to use a paper that he had been hiding in his pencil case only he failed during the moment he wanted to take that paper.

Hiratsuka with her agile movement similar to the cheetah that hunted a deer in the savannah. She had lured some of the students to cheat and she knew that it was at that moment she needed to attack them. She caught the student and shredded the paper, "Don\'t ever do it again."

The student only nodded and didn\'t dare to meet her in the eyes. He was glad that he didn\'t need to go out or get punched by her.

Izusu, who saw this, got very nervous. She didn\'t expect that a place known as the school would be this dangerous. She started to remember her training to become the bodyguard for the princess in her early life. She wiped the sweat on her forehead and thought that she needed to get serious in this battle.

In the first year of high school class,

Koizumi, who was also doing a test, was thinking about what kind of ramen she would eat today.

Takeo, who had a huge body, could only stand still while looking at his paper exam from a very close distance, \'I don\'t understand a single thing.\'

Sunakawa, who was his best friend, laughed at his friend\'s action. He wanted to help him but it was kind impossible since the teacher was really strict.

Chitoge and Tsugumi had done their exam pretty fast since it was quite simple for them. Both of them had enough ability to enter MIT with ease and an exam for a high school student was similar to slime in the video game for them.

Shuu and Raku had some difficulties but they were confident that they could at least reach an average result of their exam. There was no way that their summer life would be destroyed by such a thing known as a summer class.

Marika didn\'t think much and only thought where she would go later during the summer vacation with him.

Onodera was very complicated right now since she didn\'t know some of the answers for this exam.

In the third year of the high school class,

Uomi who was the student council president of this school was really smart, even though she was usually acting similar to a pervert but her IQ was undoubtedly good or else she couldn\'t make a lot of s.e.x.u.a.l jokes.

Yukari was also very smart since she usually spent most of her time studying. She had become an idol but she still couldn\'t forget to study.

Yuuki had done his exam and looked at the window. He was sitting in the protagonist seat that was right beside the window and right behind the last seat. He wanted to sit in this seat and felt how the protagonist felt when they sat on this seat.

\'Hmm, I don\'t feel anything,\' Yuuki thought absentmindedly. He thought that this seat was kind of normal, though it was a good place to observe a cute girl wearing a PE uniform, sweating, and laughing happily during the PE lesson. He also thought that this seat was usually used by a hentai author to draw a s.e.x scene in their book. He had a complicated feeling right now and felt a bit regret to think about such a thing.

Hiratsuka looked at everyone intensely until she heard a loud sound coming from the bell of the school. She stood up and said, "The exam is over good work." She smiled at every student in her class.

Everyone couldn\'t help but rest their heads on the table thinking that the war was over. They thought that they could go home enjoying a glass of ice lemon tea at home.

"Good, let\'s start the next mathematics exam," Hiratsuka said with a smile.

\'Demon,\' That was the thought within their minds when they saw her smile. They have only one wish right now and that was simple, \'Let us go home!!!!!\'

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