
Chapter 40

The reason was Long Tao’s lack of power and experience. Long Tao complied with his decision. Hence, he concentrated on the important subjects to improve his strength.

In the duration of his studies, Long Tao often came across the various types of attack styles, strategies, bloodlines. The strange thing was when he read about bloodlines, he came to understand how much benefit one could get by having one.

Bloodlines were like sleeping power with limiters on them. According to the theories, everyone has a bloodline. What they differ in was the quality of it. Blood essence could be burned by a martial artist in a time of danger to get a huge spike in power for a short time.

But as one’s bloodline improves in quality, the spike in power that was provided increased with it. That is why, those with higher bloodline grades had higher talent, comprehension as well as an offensive power.

In a fight, the one with higher bloodline power would often win over the one with the lower one. There were multiple grades of bloodlines, starting from 1- 8, above which was mortal grade, king grade, emperor grade, earth grade, and heaven grade bloodline.

Long Tao didn’t have access to this information. In Long Tao’s research, he found out about the various properties of the bloodline. Some gave strength, some special abilities, elemental control powers, physical enhancement, and many more.



When the keeper said that Long Mengchen had a mixture of two bloodlines, Long Tao was shocked at first. But then he looked with appreciation towards Long Mengchen.

It made his heart elated that she possessed such power, but he had to put an end to what he started. Long Mengchen gave a cold and dominating aura at the same time. Her power levels were spiked to a large extent, which were practically unbelievable. Even the three elders were shocked.

“Her bloodline actually puts pressure on our bodies. Just how high grade is it?”Jiao Sheng unconsciously murmured to himself.

It was an unprecedented event. Such high-grade bloodline which can put pressure on those of higher realms war rare. Even the one who had bet upon Long Tao to win was looking at Long Mengchen with seriousness.

It was an unknown variable. Just how could there be such a high-grade bloodline in the kingdom of Jiao. But he still held his patience. The boy didn’t seem to have used that yet.


Long Mengchen was looking at Long Tao with a murderous look now. Although she knew that it was Long Tao standing before her, she just couldn’t let go of the hatred she felt.

Never in her life has she been insulted to this extent. She was the young lady of gigantic power, had large resources to train in and fantastic skill topped with exceptional masters, but she still couldn’t defeat Long Tao.

She had made it her mission to bring Long Tao back with her to the family, but it was now a matter of her pride as a martial artist.

“I hope you take me seriously now Long Tao. I won’t hold back anything now and will attack with the intention to win or even kill.” She lowered her body, concentrated power upon her calf muscles which resulted in them being strained. It was one of the movement techniques she had trained in.

Long Tao suddenly had a bad premonition, but at the same moment, Long Mengchen released her power and appeared before Long Tao in an instant. It was a skill similar to the flash step that Long Tao had learned.

Its unidirectional dashing capabilities were exceptional. Before he could dodge, a series of fist and palm attacks had already fallen upon his body. Long Tao’s sleeve was now torn. Injuries were starting to become grievous.

It was the first time for Long Tao to feel trepidation. “You should start using your reserve powers brat. This girl is not kidding anymore. Her bloodline had given her significant improvement. There is no need to hold back so much.”

Long Tao continued the clash. The air around them started to churn violently. The attacks that both of the people did upon each other were extremely offensive. The sound of fist clashing was loud.

More injuries were being inflicted on Long Tao’s body. His body was not able to keep up with the burden of attacks. He wanted to know how far he can push it with just that.


Long Mengchen unsheathed her sword again and started swinging it at Long Tao. Her skill was now more sharp and agile. Each strike was now extremely precise and powerful.

The strikes may have been the same, but the execution was getting more and more perfect. She was able to combine multiple sword arts. The strikes were even more random executed. It was a scene to behold.

” So this is my limit. I can’t keep up with her now.” Long Tao started using the power of his acupoints now. The reserved, body strength was slowly released now. The elder who had betted on Long Tao was now concentrating on him.

” So the boy is going to use his power now.” Long Tao’s body started to expand a little. Even if the expansion was very small, the power output had been enhanced to a high level.

He started to pick up his pace. Barring his fists against a sword was difficult. He enhanced the physical protection of his hands with elemental Qi, using metal and earthen. At the same time, he started covering his body with a thin layer of Qi too.

But his Qi reserves were full. Long Tao had the biggest advantage in terms of Qi capacity. In a fight like this, he had to expend Qi in terms of a single person, but his reserves and replenishing speed was that of 10.

He started using the acupoints to use the full potential of his body and better Qi regulation. The fight continued.


The activation of the first acupoint did enhance his physical capabilities, but he still couldn’t keep up with Long Mengchen. So, he kept on opening. After opening 5 acupoints, he was able to fight her at equal standing.

“Five acupoint sin just Qi Child realm, this boy is surely a talent.” The elder who had previously betted on Long Tao winning proclaimed to himself. He too was a body cultivator, and he familiarized with Long Tao on that basis only.

Both of them were cultivators of the path of the body. But still, Long Mengchen seemed to have the upper hand due to her weapon. Long Tao began to think about what he should use now.

Should he open up more acupoints to confront, or use the hell-heaven Qi to compensate the Qi power. As he was processing his thoughts a sudden idea sparked in his brains.

There was still power that he had never used before. His own bloodline ability that he gained after reaching the Qi child realm. He always wanted to test the berserker powers his bloodline granted him.


Long Tao landed a blow with some concentrated power and both of them separated. Long Tao drew in a sharp breath, closed his eyes. A similar phenomenon like that of Long Mengchen occurred again.

Long Tao’s body was now greatly enlarged when compared to the previous enhancement. His body grew in size and slowly his eyes turned bloodshot. Long Mengchen was shocked to the core after seeing the scene.

How could this be possible? The Long Clan didn’t possess a bloodline. How come Long Tao possessed one. Up in the stands, the group of 4 were shocked too.

Long Tao possessed a bloodline and could use the bloodline limit too. It was an unprecedented phenomenon as even Jiao Sheng knew that the Long Clan was not a group that had the possession of bloodline limits.


Long Mengchen raised her guard as she knew that the situation is serious now. Long Tao could match her current state equally before he had used up his bloodline limit. He was even stronger than before.

Long Tao turned his bloodshot eyes towards Long Mengchen and dashed towards her. Before she could even react, Long Tao’s fist has already made contact with her lower abdomen, and with a huge force, Long Mengchen was thrown towards the wall.

Her body flew out and embedded itself in the wall. He then fell down, spurted out a large amount of blood, and lay there immobile. Long Tao managed to gain control of his body but was exhausted.

It was a really lethal double-edged sword. Although the ability just now gave him lots of power, it actually taped into his beast instincts and overwhelmed his sanity. He was slowly losing control over his own body and was taken away by bloodlust. If he hadn’t control it just now, Long Mengchen would be dead.

Long Tao walked towards her body, made her face him with his legs, and looked down on her.

” As I confirmed before, you are unworthy to have a conversation with me. Your measer power is just a piece of shit. Next time you meet me, I hope you can at least make me this serious and entertain me. Otherwise, you will die at our next meeting.”

Long Tao turned around, and went toward the exit, leaving the wounded body of Long Mengchen in the middle of the field. The medics of the royal clan soon rush to her aid and she was shifted to the hospital.


Back in the throne room-

Jiao Sheng welcomed the two youngsters. He looked at Long Tao with appreciation as well as some apprehensions.

” You have really mesmerized us all with your performance. You just proved how talented you are, and how powerful you will be is still something that we can’t imagine. Since you want to join the north-eastern frontier, I would like you to meet someone.”

Beside him the elder who had made a bet on Long Tao appeared.

“You have impressed me brat. Your prowess is quite amazing.”

“A mid-level Qi general. This man is likely a core member of the upper echelon.” The keeper said to Long Tao.

“Since you wanted to join my regiment, I have a welcome gift for you. The elder took out the Black demon sword he had put up for bet. It shocked Jiao Sheng. This was Qi general level 3 weapon. He was going to give it to Long Tao.

” I hope I can rest the hopes for my country on your shoulders.”

Long Tao was informed by the keeper that this was a Qi general realm weapon. The guy was willing to hand a Qi general level weapon to him. Although it was a good fortune, no meal in this world is for free. Long Tao wanted to know the true meaning behind this act.

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